The Renaissance Initiative

Igbopedia is powered by The Renaissance Initiative, an advocacy group committed to reviving and preserving the Igbo language, culture, and heritage.

Our goal is to ensure that both present and future generations inherit and actively engage with their ancestral knowledge and identity. Through platforms like Igbopedia, we seek to foster a more vibrant global community that understands and celebrates the beauty and uniqueness of its component units.

Cultural Projects

Showcasing Igbo traditions and historical narratives worldwide.

Historical Insights

Delving into significant events that shaped Igbo identity.

Customer Feedback

Discover the richness of Igbo culture through our curated experiences.

Igbo history is beautifully presented here, making it accessible and engaging.

Chinedu Okafor
woman in purple and yellow floral dress
woman in purple and yellow floral dress

Enugu City

Igbopedia has transformed my understanding of Igbo culture and history significantly. It's a treasure trove of knowledge for anyone interested in the Igbo experience.

woman in green and brown traditional dress holding brown woven basket
woman in green and brown traditional dress holding brown woven basket
Adaobi Nwosu

Lagos City
