Welcome to IGBOPEDIA
We are the encyclopedia of Igbo history, culture and worldview. As the global reference point for all things Igbo, we curate the heritage, traditions and experience of Igbo people across the globe. Although their ancestral homeland is in Southern Nigeria, they can be found in vibrant communities across Africa, Europe, North America, The Caribbean and Asia.
Our Vission & Mission
We are building the foremost global platform for harnessing, promoting and sharing
the Igbo people's cultural heritage, history, and footprint.
By so doing, we hope to foster a deeper understanding and
appreciation of the Igbo worldview and help build a world of greater harmony.
Explore Igbo Heritage
Discover the richness of Igbo history, culture, and worldview through our curated resources and insights.
Cultural Insights
Delve into the profound aspects of Igbo culture, traditions, and practices that shape our identity.
Historical Resources
Access a wealth of historical documents and narratives that illuminate the Igbo experience across generations.
Igbo Heritage
Explore the vibrant tapestry of Igbo history and culture here.
Contact Us
Reach out to us for inquiries about Igbo history, culture, and our curated resources.